More Wins at Cub Creek!

Archery Success
Billy Wayne Bunch shot the buck below on 11/11/2020 at Cub Creek Hunting! Congratulations Billy Wayne!

First Hunt
Cooper Smith, 12-year-old from Kansas City, who shot his first pheasant at Cub Creek Hunting on September 27, 2020!
Congratulations Cooper!

Hunting Season Open!
Hunting season is open call us to book your pheasant hunts this fall/winter. European hunts also available. Not wanting to travel out of state this year for hunting, give us a try. Call 402-890-4547 or email to schedule.
Turkey Hunt

Due to Covid-19 the European hunts scheduled for Saturday, March 21 and Saturday, March 28 have been cancelled. Stay well everyone.
European Hunts!

Successful Deer Hunts
Some successful hunts in 2019!

Successful Governor’s Hunt